Miracle Mile Fishing Report

Miracle Mile Fishing Report
Flows have been fluctuating from 4000 to 4070 cubic feet per second daily. Please check current stream flows before your outing here. https://www.usbr.gov/gp-bin/hydromet_dayplt.pl?kowy&q
Most anglers would assume that these flows would be too high for productive fishing. Although wade fishing is tough, float fishing is perfect! Big fish have been stacking in seams that are only accessible from a drift boat. Similarly, float fishing allows for the long drifts required to get your flies down. Don’t let high water flows discourage you from fishing. We anticipate great float fishing conditions all season long.
Salmon flies have been hatching sporadically. As a result, stonefly nymphs such as Halfbacks. Pats rubber legs. Double bead peacock stonefly nymphs have been the ticket! San Jaun worms. Rock worms. Squirmy worms in red, pink, and purple. Chubby Chernobyl and Sofa Pillow style Salmon fly dry flies. Similarly, big Stimulators are also great with a nymph dropper. Check out our best flies for Miracle Mile at our custom fly shop here. https://highplainsflyfishing.com/shop/
Please call us at 307-399-9464 for current river conditions.