Encampment River Fishing Report

Encampment River Fishing Report
Encampment River Fishing Report:
The Encampment River has been fishing great during pre run off conditions. With a very wet spring so far, stream flows have been fluctuating. Current flows are at 2720 cubic feet per second at mouth, near the rainbow hole coming into the North Platte. Please check daily stream flows before your outing. https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?06625000
Its safe to say that as of today, the river is high and blown out. However, flows for the entire North Platte River basin will be clearing and dropping soon. We anticipate plenty of water to float on during the Green Drake hatch this year. The Green Drake hatch is, by far the most notable hatch on the Encampment River. This highly anticipated event usually occurs during late June throughout July. Its an awesome spectacle to watch trout follow the hatch as it progresses upstream from the North Platte.
Check out some of our favorite fly patterns for the Encampment River. https://highplainsflyfishing.com/shop/
The Encampment in general doesn’t get a ton of fishing pressure. As a result, there’s really no need to overthink fly patterns. Presentation, along with good drifts with out drag, is most important. All of your standard dry flies such as Elk Hair Caddis. Stimulators. Green Drake Cripple. Foam terrestrial patterns with nymph droppers are also very productive. Big Stonefly nymphs, such as Pats rubber legs. Double Bead Peacock Stonefly nymphs. Hot bead Halfback nymphs are also perfect for imitating the big bugs.
As mentioned before, we anticipate great float fishing on the Encampment and Upper North Platte rivers this summer. Our calendar is filling fast with old and new fishing clients. Please call us at 307-399-9464 anytime for booking info and rates.
Tight Lines!