Diamond Lake Fishing Report

Diamond Lake Fishing Report
Diamond Lake has been fishing great all spring and early summer. Lake levels are full thanks to 128% snowpack in the high country for 2019. We are excited to announce that Diamond Lake has bounced back to its former glory! Rainbow and Cutthroat trout are averaging 18-20 inches. In fact, with trophy regulations and excellent trout habitat,fish are fat, healthy and happy! Furthermore, all of the Laramie Plains Lakes in general, have not had any major winter kill events. We have had very productive fishing at all of them.
Check out our Laramie Plains Lakes Fishing Report herehttps://highplainsflyfishing.com/laramie-plains-lakes-fishing-report/
The major hatches have been Caddis, Damsel flies, Callibaetis, and Chironomid pupa. Early morning hours are best for dry fly fishing with insane Callibaetis hatches coming off! Two fly nymph rigs with balanced leeches and Chironomid patterns have been the ticket during afternoon hours. Our custom lake fly patterns are designed specifically for this water! Order yours on our online fly shop here.https://highplainsflyfishing.com/shop/
We have been fishing Diamond Lake for over 20 years and know it better than anyone. Our guided trips utilizing hard side drift boats,provide you with the stealth needed to catch trophy trout. Similarly, drift boats also provide a stable platform to cast flies long distances. Give us a call anytime at 307-399-9464 to book a guided Diamond Lake Trophy Trout Trip!