Upper North Platte River Fishing Report

Upper North Platte River Fishing Report
Flows at North Gate: 127 cfs
Flows at North Brush Creek: 13.7 cfs
Flows into Seminoe Reservoir: 364 cfs
Upper North Platte River Fishing Report:
Fall/Autumn fly fishing the past several weeks has given our clients world class experiences. Swinging big articulated streamers has paid off with big trophy trout over 20 inches. Nymph fishing under an indicator with two fly rigs has also been productive in the riffles and runs. Afternoon dry fly fishing has been epic with Caddis and Blue Wing Olive hatches. So, this time of year, anglers can fish dry flies, nymphs, and streamers all in one day!
Please check out our online fly shop for our best custom guide flies here:https://highplainsflyfishing.com/shop/
With recent snow in the high country, stream flows are coming back up nicely. Float fishing on the lower sections north of Saratoga has been great! Foote Access, Pick Bridge, Old Frazier, as well as, Fort Steele, are great stretches because of their relatively low fishing pressure. Alternatively, on multiple day trips, we have been floating Miracle Mile. In addition, both Grey Reef and Miracle Mile stream flows are set at the minimum of 500 cfs. Late October throughout November is typically when we see the largest brown trout caught of the season. Territorial browns get aggressive chasing streamers! Weather can be hit or miss, but its hands down our favorite time of year to fish. We fish the tailwaters year around, so call for off season rates starting November 15th! Please check daily stream flows for the Upper North Platte River before your outing here:https://waterdata.usgs.gov/wy/nwis/current/?type=flow
Please call us anytime at 307-399-9464 for current fishing conditions and best flies to use!
Best Flies to use
Platte River Spider-Brown/Yellow
War Bonnet-Natural/White
Galloups Pearl Necklace
Cheech Leech
BH Prince
BH Hares ear
Rainbow warrior
Mayhem emerger-bwo
juju baetis
Dry Flies:
Elk hair caddis
Sparkle dun-bwo
Parachute adams