Miracle Mile Fishing Report
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Miracle Mile Fishing Report

The Mile is fishing great! Stream flows are fluctuating at 500 cfs. Pre spawn rainbows are starting to stage up from Pathfinder Reservoir. Two fly nymph rigs with small bugs and egg patterns have been the ticket.
Scuds,red and brown midges,leeches,and emerger patterns are on the menu. Therefore, look for small baetis (Blue wing olive) coming off on days above 40 degrees. We have been swinging big streamers down below the bridge in slower water. Which, in turn, has produced some nice brown trout. Out of respect for one of the finest tail water fisheries in the world, please be mindful of rainbow trout spawning beds. Its simply not worth it.
Current snowpack in the high country of Colorado/Wyoming is at 128%. We anticipate plenty of water to play on this summer. We are permitted to run the entire North Platte River system from the Wyoming/Colorado border all the way to Alcova, Wyoming. 240 miles. Great for overnight and multiple day trips upstream from Miracle Mile.
Please call us at 307-399-9464 anytime for current conditions, fly patterns, or to plan your 2019 dream trip in Wyoming! Check out current flows for Miracle Mile here:https://www.usbr.gov/projects/index.php?id=114