Check out our best flies for the North Platte River here:https://highplainsflyfishing.com/shop/
Here is the link to North Platte River flows at Northgate:https://waterdata.usgs.gov/wy/nwis/uv/?site_no=06620000&PARAmeter_cd=00065,00060,00010
Saratoga Wyoming Fishing Report-North Platte River:
We recently took a trip to Saratoga and floated from Treasure Island to Saratoga. To our surprise, the water clarity was great with pre run off conditions. Visibility towards the banks was 1-2 feet, perfect for chucking streamers.
One thing we love about the Upper North Platte is the solitude. We had the river all to ourselves. As usual, we caught fish on dries,nymphs, and streamers.
The baetis or Blue Wing Olive hatch came off strong during mid afternoon. We came upon some stretches where the river looked like it was boiling from all of the rise forms. Midges where also hatching off like crazy!
Snow pack for the Wyoming/Colorado high country is at 128%. We anticipate great float conditions for the whole summer on the Upper North Platte. Last year in 2018, the river dropped drastically after June 15th.
Luckily, with our years of experience, we know stretches that fish great during low flow periods. We also fish the tail waters Miracle Mile and Grey Reef when the upper reaches are blown out.
Please check out our flow chart links for Northgate and Seminoe Reservoir before your float trip outing. Please feel free to call 307-399-9464 anytime for current flows and conditions. We hope to fish with new and old friends in 2019!
Tight Lines!
Currently on the Madison below Quake Lake. Headed your way. Staying in Rawlings. Expect to fish tomorrow & Thursday. What r water temps, flows, flies like from I-80 bridge upstream to Saratoga? Any info much appreciated & thanks
Jack sorry we missed your message. Please call 307-399-9464 regarding current conditions.
Nate Mecikalski-owner/outfitter
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