Miracle Mile Wyoming Fishing Report July 2022

Miracle Mile has been fishing good to great! Please check daily river flows before your outing here.
Flows have been fluctuating between 530-561 cfs. It is tricky to launch hard side drift boats and maneuver around shoulder to shoulder groups of wade fisherman. Needless to say, the mile has been extremely crowded! Water temps have been in the 60’s to near 70 by mid afternoon. Please do your part and check water temperatures before fishing to ensure proper catch and release to protect our world class tailwater fishery. With low flows, weeds and moss have also been an issue.
Typically in mid July, the epic Trico hatch starts mid morning. Golden Stones,Caddis,Pmds,Yellow Sally’s, and Hoppers are also on the menu. Nymph fishing two fly rigs is also very productive in the faster runs and riffles. Swinging big streamers will also produce explosive strikes and target bigger fish.
Best Flies To Use
Size 18-22 Trico spinner
Size 18-22 Purple Haze
Size 10-12 Stimulator
Size 10-12 Amys Ant
Size 18-22 Juju baetis
Size 16-18 Rainbow Warrior
Size 14-16 Scud (tan,olive,pink)
Size 10-12 Red Rockworm
Size 10-12 PSL (black,brown,natural)
Pegged Squirmy worms all colors
Size 6-8 Galloups Barely Legal
Size 6-8 Nates Articulated War Bonnet Streamer
Size 6-8 Articulated Platte River Spider
Please call us anytime at 307-399-9464 for up to date river conditions, flows, and bugs to use. We still have guide availability for July/August. Come fish with the best outfitter in the state of Wyoming!
Tight Lines!!