Check out our best flies for Miracle Mile on our custom fly shop here:https://highplainsflyfishing.com/shop/
Here is the link for current real time flows for Miracle Mile:https://www.usbr.gov/projects/index.php?id=114
Miracle Mile Fishing Report:
What else can we say, its Hopper time! We have been getting some solid eats on all sorts of killer hopper patterns such as Amys Ants,Morrish Hoppers,and Rainys Hoppers. Tan,brown,yellow,purple,and pink variations have been the best.
Dry dropper rigs with non bead head nymphs without a lot of flash have been producing in shallow riffles and runs. Pmds,Yellow Sally’s,and Trico spinners are the bugs you will need in your box.
The morning Trico hatch gets better by the day producing insane spinner falls! Every trout in the river seems to be keying in on them. Be sure to have a few sunken spinners in your fly arsenal.
Flows have been dropped and are fluctuating from 800 to 830 cfs. Fortunately, still plenty of water to float and wade especially well. Water temps are staying cold in the 50’s.
The streamer bite is there to the dedicated angler. Alternatively,try working off the swing with a down and across presentation,and ripping your fly against the current for explosive strikes! This 20 inch Walleye was caught on a 6 inch articulated streamer.
Thankfully, we already have clients booking up for fall streamer fishing hunting trophy browns. We look forward to fishing with return clients and meeting new friends on the river. Please call 307-399-9464 for current conditions and booking info.