Upper North Platte River Fishing Report
Flows at Northgate: 836 cfs
Flows at North Brush Creek: 30.5 cfs
Flows into Seminoe Reservoir: 1380 cfs
The Upper North Platte River near Saratoga, Wyoming has truly been fishing the best we’ve seen in years. In fact, thanks to high water flows trout are fat, healthy, and happy! We have been putting 30-40 fish in the boat with experienced anglers. On the other hand, beginners have also done great thanks to our years of experience on the river.
Best Flies To Use
Two fly nymph rigs under an indicator have been standard for numbers of fish. 3x and 4x tapered leaders with bb lead split shot. 6-8 foot length. Big articulated streamers fished on the swing have also been very productive, and target big trophy trout. 3-4 foot P-Line 12-14 lb fluorocarbon leader. Float and sink tip lines.
Thin Mint size 8-10
Hares Ear size 12-16
BH Prince size 12-16
Rainbow Warrior size 16-18
Articulated War Bonnet size 6-8
Articulated Platte River Spider
CH Buggers size 6-8
CH Zonker size 6-8
Galloups Pearl Necklace size 6-8
Cheech Leech size 6-8
White, Black, Natural, Brown/ Yellow, and Olive color combos are best!
Check out our top custom flies for the Upper North Platte here: https://highplainsflyfishing.com/shop/
Typically near the end of July into the first few weeks of August. The Trico hatch usually starts up providing anglers with great morning dry fly fishing! Fishing small size 16-22 Parachute Adams. Purple Haze. As well as, Trico spinners and sunken Trico patterns, are going to be the ticket. This time of year, anglers can fish dry flies, nymphs, and streamers all in one day!
Water temps have been staying cool throughout the night and mornings in the 40-55 degree range. With the dog days of summer upon us, days are heating up. As a result, with dropping water flows, please do your part and check water temps. Consequently, temps in the 60’s and 70’s are not good for fishing. Please practice steward of the land techniques and be sure fish are revived and able to be released properly. Be sure to check daily stream flows before your outing here: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/wy/nwis/current/?type=flow
We have had one of our busiest guide seasons in 2019, and would like to thank all of our friends and clients for all of your love and support! We still have openings for August and September. Call us anytime at 307-399-9464 for booking info and up to date conditions.
Tight Lines!!